Redirect from Login

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό Imagine this scenario... You're a user and you receive an email from us inviting you to add your name in your profile settings. You click the link and are redirected to the login page. After logging in, you're redirected to the home page. You have now forgotten why you came here in the first place and move on with your day.
Boo! That's not a great user experience. Let's fix it.
There are a few ways to do this, but the most common is to use a query string parameter. We'll add redirectTo support to both our login and signup forms. That way, our requireUserId utility can take the request.url and create an appropriate redirectTo query param automatically when it redirects to the login page. Here's how it should work:
// Defaults to the current request.url.
// This would redirect to `/login?redirectTo=%2Fkittens%2Fnew`
await requireUserId(request)

// Can override the default with a custom redirectTo.
// This would redirect to `/login?redirectTo=%2Fkittens`
await requireUserId(request, { redirectTo: '/kittens' })

// Can disable the default with null.
// This would redirect to `/login`
await requireUserId(request, { redirectTo: null })
πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ Supporting redirectTo in /login and /signup is exactly the same, so I'll do the /signup route for you. Deal? Cool πŸ‘
We'll also want to update the link from our /login page to the /signup page so if the user needs to create an account instead, the redirectTo will carry over to that page too.
πŸ¦‰ Don't miss this point! redirectTo query params can be abused by attackers. A baddy could use a redirectTo query param to redirect a user to a malicious site after logging in. So you should always validate the redirectTo query param to make sure it's a valid URL on your site. It's sufficient to just make sure the URL doesn't start with http or https and that it starts with /.
Luckily for us, there's a utility in remix-utils: safeRedirect. Here's the example from their docs:
export async function loader({ request }: LoaderArgs) {
	let { searchParams } = new URL(request.url)
	let redirectTo = searchParams.get('redirectTo')
	return redirect(safeRedirect(redirectTo, '/home'))
In our case, we don't need the /home fallback (it defaults to /).
πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ There's not too much to the forms for this one, so I'm going to make you do this one on your own.
I do recommend you add the redirectTo support to the requireUserId util in first.

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