Verify Code

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό Great! Now I feel much more confident that our users are who they say they are when they sign up for an account. Now that we have this implemented, we can use this same plumbing for a new password reset flow!
πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ I'm going to rework things quite a bit for the next exercise. Here's what I'm going to do:
  • Move the post-verified logic from /verify to a handleVerification function in /onboarding which /verify will just call. This will allow us to keep the post-verification logic colocated with the part of the app that requires the verification which will make it much easier to maintain in the long-term. We'll be doing this for all our verifications so you may want to check this part out.
  • Move some of the logic from /onboarding into utility functions in /verify so we can reuse that logic for other verifications.
  • Update /forgot-password to allow the user to submit a verification code to reset their account password.
  • Add a /reset-password route which is where the user will go after they verify their account ownership. You'll be doing some work here in the next exercise.
  • Update our sendEmail functionality to more fully represent Resend's responses/errors and support sending react-based emails.
  • Update the emails we have already to be react-based.
It's quite a bit of work. If you'd like to check the diff feel free, and if you'd like to even do some of that work yourself, be my guest!

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