QR Code

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό Now that the 2fa-verify verification in the database, we can update the loader for to load the user's 2fa-verify verification and generate a Auth URI and QR code for the verification.
import { getTOTPAuthUri, generateTOTP } from '@epic-web/totp'

const { secret, period, digits, algorithm } = generateTOTP()
// save this to the database...

// then generate the Auth Uri:
const otpUri = getTOTPAuthUri({
	accountName: user.email,
	issuer: 'Your App Name',
Most phones have the ability to scan the QR code and automatically add the verification to the phone:
import * as QRCode from 'qrcode'
// ...
const qrCode = await QRCode.toDataURL(otpUri)
// ...
<img src={qrCode} />
If the phone does not have this ability, the user can manually enter the otpUri into their authenticator app.
We're not going to get to the scanning part quite yet though. You just need to update the loader to handle getting the verification and generating the Auth URI.

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