Verify Code

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό If you have a phone that can scan the QR code (or the 1Password desktop app can scan the code on your screen), you can use this to generate a code. Otherwise, you can actually just use this script to do it as well:
import { generateTOTP } from '@epic-web/totp'

// Paste your string here. It should start with "otpauth://totp/" and include a secret and other params
const otpString = ``

const otpUri = new URL(otpString)
const { secret, algorithm, digits, period } = Object.fromEntries(

const { otp } = generateTOTP({

and then you can paste that code in there and run node otp.js to get the code.
Paste the URI in there and run the script, it will output the code which you can use to test things out.
In this one you'll want to start in the action of . You'll first verify the code, and then you can update the verification in the database to go from the 2fa-verify type to a regular 2fa type and remove the expiresAt.
This will involve creating a new verification type for 2fa so our /verify route can handle that, so you'll be working in as well.
Finally, you'll need to update the route so it shows whether 2FA is enabled or not as well as .
Once you're done, we still won't actually ask the user to verify with their 2FA code when they login yet, but you should be able to enable 2FA on an account and have that reflected in the settings page.
Once you enable it, we don't have the ability to disable it yet, so if you need to do that, you can always run npx prisma db seed to reseed the database if you need.