GitHub Strategy

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό Great work. We've got the basic flow down. Now we need to decide what to do with the user's profile now that we have it.
But before we get to that, we should probably make it easier to develop and test this connection process...
πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ Speaking of mocking... I'm going to put together some mocks for the GitHub API for you. It's more of what we did for the Resend APIs, albeit a little more sophisticated. You see, we want to be able to simulate GitHub's APIs which means we need to have some fake github users. We'll use @faker-js/faker for this, but it's more complicated because we want to persist the github user's our users connect to during development and testing so they continue to be there even if we restart the server.
So I'm going to make a mini "database" (a .gitignored json file) to store the GitHub users we create.
Then I'll build out mocks for the following endpoints that are used in the GitHubStrategy. Here's what the mocks will do:
  • POST: - looks up the GitHub user by the code param (or creates a new one) and responds with that user's accessToken.
  • GET: - looks up the user from the access token in the authorization header and responds with that user's emails.
  • GET: - looks up the user by the ID.
  • GET: - looks up the user from the access token in the authorization header and responds with that user's profile.
  • GET: - Responds with the image in ./tests/fixtures/github/ghost.jpg (yes, it's a jpg even though the URL says png).
This will make it easy for us to develop and test this stuff locally without relying on GitHub's APIs directly. However, I'm also going to make it easy to use the real APIs when you want. So I'm going to use msw's passthrough utility to pass things through to the real APIs if our GITHUB_CLIENT_ID environment variable doesn't start with MOCK_. You'll fix that up in the next step.
It's quite a lot and this is only one way to handle this, feel free to try it yourself, or checkout my work if you'd like.

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