Cookie Expiration Override

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό Unfortunately, in the process of setting the verifiedTimeKey and committing the session, we override the expires value for our session. This means that if a user selected "Remember Me" in the login form, we forget that when we re-verify them. Super bummer.
Unfortunately, the browser is the only one that knows the expires time on our cookie (it only sends the server the cookie value) so we can't just read it and set the expires time based on the existing value.
Instead, we're going to have to store the expires time in the session itself.
But this would be super annoying to have to remember to do everywhere we commit the session... So... We're going to get a little creative in the name of usability.
The short version is we're going to override the commitSession API with a new implementation that sets the expires value on the session cookie based on the expires option it's called with.
You'll also want to handle maxAge as this is another way to manage the expiration time.
To do this, we'll be using Object.defineProperty on the sessionStorage object. Here's a simple example of how this API works using console.log as the example:
const originalConsoleLog = console.log

Object.defineProperty(console, 'log', {
	value: (...args) => {
		originalConsoleLog('πŸ‘‹', ...args)
With that, every time someone calls console.log, we'll log a little πŸ‘‹ emoji ahead of the arguments they passed in.
Hopefully that gives you an idea of how to accomplish something similar for our sessionStorage so we can handle this expiration issue automatically without requiring anyone to think about it!