Password Management

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There are a variety of ways to authenticate a user is who they say they are. The most common way is to use a password. Passwords are a secret string of characters that only the user (or their password manager) knows. When a user logs in, they provide their username and password. The server then checks the password to verify it's correct and from there can trust the user is who they are logging in as.
A naive way to implement this would be to store the user's password as is. However, this opens you up to a variety of attacks. If an attacker gets access to your database, they can see all the passwords in plain text. If a user reuses their password on multiple sites, the attacker can now log in as the user on those sites as well.
Another way to implement this would be to encrypt the password. This would prevent an attacker from seeing the password in plain text, but it would still be vulnerable to a dictionary attack in the event an attacker got access to your database.
Now, to be clear, it's not impossible for an adversary to gain access to your database, but we can reduce the attractiveness of this by making it impossible for the attacker to use the passwords even if they do get access to the database.

Password Hashing

Instead of storing the password or an encrypted version of the password, we can store a hash of the password. A hash is a one-way function that takes in a string and returns a fixed-length string. The same input will always return the same output, but it's impossible to go from the output to the input. This means that if an attacker gets access to your database, they can't use the hashes to log in as the user.
So, to verify the password is correct, you simply hash the password the user provides and compare it to the hash stored in the database. If they match, the password is correct.

Protecting against Brute Force Attacks

A brute force attack is when an attacker tries every possible combination of characters until they find the correct password. This is not very efficient, but if an attacker is after a specific user's account, it doesn't have to be. Eventually they will find the correct password.
To protect against this, password hashing algorithms have been designed to be slow. This means that it takes a relatively long time to hash a password. This is fine for a user logging in, but it makes it very difficult for an attacker to brute force a password.

Protecting against Rainbow Table Attacks

A Rainbow Table is a precomputed table of hashes and their inputs. This allows an attacker to simply look up the hash in the table to find the input. This means that if an attacker gets access to your database, they can simply look up the hashes to find the passwords.
To protect against this, password hashing algorithms use a salt. A salt is a random string that is added to the password before hashing. This means that even if two users have the same password, their hashes will be different. This makes it impossible for an attacker to use a rainbow table to find the passwords.
What's cool about this is you don't even need to securely store the salt. In fact a common practice is to simply append the salt to the hash. This will make it so that the salt is always available when you need to verify the password.

Putting it all together

A good algorithm that checks these boxes is bcrypt and a great library for generating bcrypt hashes is bcryptjs.
bcrypt hashes are slow and generate a random salt for you. This means that you don't need to worry about generating a salt and you can simply store the whole thing as is. Then when the user logs in, you provide the stored hash and the password they provide to bcryptjs's compare function will verify the password is correct.