Pass Data Between Routes

πŸ¦‰ Normally when you want to pass data in a React application you start reaching for things like context or other libraries. The problem with this is in our case the user could actually navigate away from the site to check their email and get the code or link we've sent them. So you can't do that!
So instead, we're going to use a cookie session. But we don't want to re-use the existing user session for this because we want this session to be short-lived. It should expire after only 10 minutes. We're going to call this our verifySession which we'll use for all sorts of verifications in the future.
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό Thanks Olivia. Ok, so now we need you to create a new session storage object (you should be a pro at that by now), and then use that when you send the email to set the email address they signed up with.
Then when they get to the onboarding page we can get the email they signed up with out of the session and proceed with the onboarding.
I should note that we're not quite going to get to actually verifying the user's email just yet. That will come in the next exercise. But hopefully this gives you an idea of how to communicate state between routes!
I suggest you start in , then go to to set the email and finally to get it.

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