Generate TOTP

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό Now we're going to use @epic-web/totp to generate a time-based one-time password. We'll want to make it valid for 10 minutes and use the SHA256 algorithm. We're going to use the defaults for everything else (though you may consider using a bigger character set to increase the entropy of the password).
Once we've got the TOTP generated and the verification added to the database, we're going to want to send an email with the one-time password. We're already sending them an email, so we'll just add the TOTP to the email we're already sending.
Another cool thing the route supports is the ability to pre-fill the TOTP code based on search params. So in addition to sending the code for the user to copy/paste or type in, we can also send them a link that takes them straight to the /verify page with the code pre-filled. We can even have the loader automatically validate the code without them having to do anything.
While auto-submission is a very handy feature, it can also be a problem because some anti-virus software will automatically open links in emails. If the link contains a TOTP code, then the anti-virus software will automatically validate the code and the user won't be able to use it. So you may prefer to not auto-validate the code or you may choose to not delete the code once it's been used and just let it expire.
In this exercise, instead of sending the user to onboarding with the email in the verifySession, we're going to send them to /verify with some search params and email them the code.
You'll be creating two URLs, one with the code which we'll email the user and the other without the code which we'll use to redirect the user.

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