Reset Password

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό We've now successfully verified that the user owns the account, so now we need to actually let the user reset their password. Just don't forget to ensure the action and loader both verify that the user has verified their ownership. This is where signed cookies come in really handy (and specifically our verifySessionStorage)!
So in this exercise, you'll need to make a function that gets the resetPasswordUsername out of the verifySession, and if that doesn't exist then send the user to /login.
You may want to also use our requireAnonymous utility we built earlier as well so authenticated users don't end up here. They've got a different flow for resetting their passwords as part of the settings anyway.
You'll also be actually resetting the user's password once they submit the form. Once that's done, you can destroy the verifySession.
Good luck!

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