Set Cookie

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό Now that we're sending the redirectTo value to our /auth/github action, we can set that in the cookie. However, this is going to be a bit more tricky because we're not the ones creating the redirect Response object. To complicate things further, the response is actually thrown rather than simply returned, so we need to wrap stuff in try/catch and then test if the thrown thing is an Response. If it is, then we can append our redirectCookie to its headers.
We also want to have the redirectTo default to whoever sent us here as well as a convenience, so you'll be using a utility called getReferrerRoute.
When you're done, you should be able to observe the set-cookie header after performing these actions:
  1. Be logged out
  2. Go to
  3. You'll be redirected to /login
  4. Click "Login with GitHub"
The set-cookie header should appear on the redirect response.
Good luck!